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Child Sponsorship Programme
In 2011 Gymnázium Na Zatlance joined the Child Sponsorship Programme (Adopce na dálku®) run by Caritas of the Archdiocese of Prague in order to help cover the costs for education of a child from a socially marginalized family living in a developing country. Our adopted child is called Abigail Mumba and lives in Zambia, one of the poorest countries in the world. Abigail was born in 2000 to a family of the Soli tribe who are heavily dependent on agriculture.  


Our school donates 8, 000 CZK a year to help pay for the tuition fee, school equipment and school uniforms. You can contribute by taking part in fund-raising days by either making cakes and cookies to be sold at school or by buying the products from your classmates who will donate their sales into the Money Box for Abigail. 
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