The EEYP Times
Every political summit and every parliamentary meeting has its newsletter that monitors the conference proceedings, informs the participants and lightens their mood. Ours is no different as we have the EEYP Times.
Whenever you feel uncertain about the programme of the upcoming day, the dress code or you happen to have few spare minutes, you can always grab a copy of EEYP Times, which will answer your questions, provide you with useful and educative information and keep you updated. The EEYP Times will be published every day of the conference. Along with the important organisational announcements, the editors will aim to include a blend of interviews, articles introducing delegates, chairs, members of the Presidium and special guests, as well as keep you updated about the activity in each committee and of course, the usual inside jokes and gossip. You are of course most welcome to submit your own contribution!
The organisation team will aim to distribute copies among the delegates to keep you updated every day of your stay. This is planned for each morning so that you get your copy just in time for breakfast.
Read all the issues from EEYP Prague 2014 HERE.