About EEYP Prague 2024
Five Days of Negotiations
Students from around Europe
The EEYP Prague is organized by students and teachers from a Prague Grammar School, Gymnázium Na Zatlance, in cooperation with organizers from other European Grammar Schools. It is another of a series of annual events for active students simulating the European Parliament according to the Erasmian format of EEYP in Rotterdam.
EEYP Prague will follow the format of former EEYP events. There will be about 90 delegates and organizers from the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
The EEYP Prague Organisation Team consists of both students and teachers and connects them in a cooperative relationship. This kind of relationship enriches both sides with a unique insight and shared experience.

About EEYP
What is EEYP?
The students of the Grammar School Gymnasium Na Zatlance regularly take part in the projects of The Erasmian European Youth Parliament (EEYP). EEYP was founded in Rotterdam in the Erasmiaans Gymnasium and soon changed into an international project with participants from over 15 countries.
The project strives to simulate the European Parliament, which means that during one week student delegates are divided into committees of different topics ranging from Economics, or Environment to Defence or Technology. The committees discuss possible solutions to the current issues with the outcome of a resolution. In the middle of the project, the committees are provided with an opportunity to consult their final resolution with an expert of their field comming from proffesionals politicians and academics., which they can change or amend their resolution according to the outcome of the debate.
Meeting an expert is a special part of the project, where participants can gain professional experience and international contacts, which they can utilize in their future careers. The events also connect the academic field with NGOs, politicians, and businesses, providing a platform for sharing knowledge and experience in constructive debates.
In the General Assembly, taking place in the final days of the project, each of the committees has to present and defend their resolution. The general voting is the ultimate part where all the delegates express either their agreement or disagreement with the work of other committees.
The objectives of the project are to involve students in extra-curriculum activities outside the classroom and to provide the participants with real life-like experience from business, politics and current issues. The project aims to improve students' communicative skills in English, enhance students' research skills and public speaking as well as develop their soft skills such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, adaptability, stress management, and organisational skills.
Other important goals are to connect people from various European countries, as well as support and motivate the participants for further involvement in projects focused on the development of civic and democratic society. The participants come back to their schools inspired and motivated to implement extracurricular activities in their schools and thus contribute to the modernization of European educational system, responding to current needs of the labor market and increasing employability.
Why do we participate?
Subject Introduction Booklet
The questions and issues addressed in the Introduction Booklet are a starting point to help you focus your research, which you need to carry out before the main project. There will be eight committees dealing with:
Education: School efficiency and well-being of students and teachers
Security and Defense: Security accross borders and EU self-sufficiency within the arms industry
Technology: Implementation of quantum computing in the EU
Environment: Dealing with exploitation of fossil fuels in the EU
Relations with China: EU reliance on Chinese semiconductor industry
Economy: Central Banking and Inclusive Economic Growth in the EU
Your studies of the subjects are crucial for your effective work in your committee. The more you discover and learn prior to the committee work, the more fruitful and successful the debating and writing of the resolutions will be. In addition, good knowledge of your opponents’ topics will help you participate actively in debating, attacking and defending speeches in the General Assembly.
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